choirs | conducting | singing

As a choral conductor, music educator, and professional singer, I advocate for inclusion on the podium, within the choral ensemble, and in the choir folder.

I have conducted choirs of all ages and ranges of ability. I have taught conducting courses, mentor emerging conductors, and offer private conducting lessons.

In addition to singing in professional choirs for many years, I teach private and group voice lessons and have a special interest in vocal acoustic theory.

I share inclusive choral practices through presenting relevant interest sessions at conferences, sharing online resources, and offering consulting to choirs and directors.
Consonare Choral Community

I am honored to serve as Founding Artistic Director and Executive of a nonprofit arts organization called Consonare Choral Community. To learn more about this community organization with a mission to build community through choral music and more about the work I engage in, please visit the Consonare website.